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Coolcoin Price

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COOL Price Today
The live price of Coolcoin is -- per (COOL/), -- today. The 24-hour trading volume is -- , with a current market cap of -- and a circulating supply of -- . Data is updated in real time.
COOL Price Performance in USDHistory

COOL Market Information

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What is COOL?

Cryptocurrency is a type of virtual currency based on blockchain technology. Here are its main characteristics and principles:

  1. Medium of exchange and unit of account:

  2. Tokens can serve as a medium of exchange and unit of account, such as Bitcoin, which has been accepted by some companies for payment and trading.

  3. Blockchain technology:

  4. Tokens utilize blockchain technology to ensure the uniqueness and security of each token. Blockchain is a distributed ledger that records all transactions and prevents tampering.

  5. Farm; Mine (Mining):

  6. Tokens are generated through “Farm; Mine”, requiring electricity and computational resources. This process not only generates new coins but also validates transactions on the network, ensuring security.

  7. Globally accepted and easy to store:

  8. Tokens can be traded and used for payments globally at any time, without geographical restrictions or the need to exchange for local currency.

  9. Low transaction costs and privacy protection:

  10. Transaction costs for tokens are low and not restricted by time. Transactions are anonymous and protect personal privacy through cryptographic technology.

  11. Limited issuance and inflation risk elimination:

  12. Tokens usually have a maximum issuance limit, such as Bitcoin's total supply being fixed at 21 million coins, preventing inflation.

  13. Loss cannot be recovered:

  14. Once tokens are lost or stolen, they are difficult to retrieve, presenting one of its risks.

In summary, tokens are a type of virtual currency based on blockchain technology, characterized by global acceptance, low transaction costs, and privacy protection, but also facing risks such as price volatility and difficult-to-recover losses.

For details, please read: What is COOL?
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Key Stats
Current Price
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